Category: Literature

Book of Boba ep 2: Ancestral claim and indigenous justice in a galaxy far, far away

This review contains spoilers for the Book of Boba. This review is written by a white-passing Star Wars fan, and is by no means an authentic indigenous perspective on fiction, but rather the impact of Star Wars on the…

By Frugal Bone


The Individual…

By toomuchrose

The Garden

Warley Place Walking in a garden that once was beautiful, where the heady aroma of rare exotic plants filled the air and the dazzling palette of their flamboyant pigments filled the eye. We are not lost, we are…

By toomuchrose

Русский литературный центр назвал ТОП писателей на 2022 год

Сложно ли в современном мире удержать внимание читателя? Очень! Не даром же даже в Союзе писателей России состоит более 8 000 человек, а знаем мы в лучшем случае 5-10 имен… Но, сейчас есть уникальная и бесплатная…

By nisermi

...the quiet waters by.

I led her down the unkempt grass slope of the green pasture to walk along by the canal, where the oily black water stared up from the cut like the eyes of a slaughtered horse. The distant thrumming of traffic and the…

By toomuchrose


Once past the lights of Vineland, the river took back its older form, became what for the Yuroks it had always been, a river of ghosts. Everything had a name—fishing and snaring places, acorn grounds, rocks in the…

By avvakum

Romance and Ruin

The Last Romance…

By toomuchrose


The Walnut Tree…

By toomuchrose


Tetelestai The seventh of the seven.…

By toomuchrose

মানুষ এবং পৃথিবীর জন্য পদক্ষেপ নিন

আজই পদক্ষেপ নিন এবং আপনার ভূমিকা পালন করুন আরও ভালভাবে বেঁচে থাকার জন্য, মানুষ এবং পৃথিবীর জন্য উঠে দাঁড়ান করোনাভাইরাস মহামারীটি দেখিয়েছে যে আমরা সবাই কতটা পরস্পর সংযুক্ত, এবং কীভাবে আমাদের সকলকে একহয়ে…

By Mohammad Ariful

Wizards of Oz

The Government Right. Back to business.…

By toomuchrose

The beautiful summer

Le bel été A warm summer afternoon, miles from home, alone;A girl sits on a swing, lost in reverie.The long ropes creak as she disects the air in a lazy arc,Like the pendulum of a mighty metronome,Slowing down time…

By toomuchrose