Category: Miscellaneous

Betreutes Wohnen

Linux kenne ich seit etwa Kernel Version 0.96. Damals war das noch eine sehr spezielle Sache. Kernel kompilieren war Standard.…

By pa8815

Todesstern NFC

Kürzlich wurde einer meiner neuen Security Keys (passkey) beim Auslesen von OTP via NFC so nachhaltig beschallt, dass sich diese Funktion verabschiedete. Der Schlüssel funktioniert noch als passkey, aber es liessen sich…

By pa8815


暮色 Twilight…

By silkway

Звездная ночь

星空 Star Night…

By silkway

The Burning House... and how to escape...

By The Voice in The Wind.


sendxmpp is a perl-script to send xmpp (jabber), similar to what mail(1) does for mail. …

By disu1950

Federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre went further

How, exactly, did today’s conservatives devolve from serious people into members of a populist cult missing basic moral principles? When Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt on Saturday, politicians were quick…

By rgrichardson

Red Pill Blue Pill And The Making Of Michael Wiseman

Mario Nawfal posted “MICHAEL WISEMAN SUGGESTED CANCER PATIENTS SHOULD KILL TRUMP AS HIS DAUGHTERS ARE RAPED” An unverified photo of the Michael Wiseman posts:…

By damongang


USBDeview v3.07 Copyright (c) 2006 - 2023 Nir Sofer Web Site:…

By disu1950

Emacs: Fix M-. without a hassle

M-. (i.e. the Alt dot key combination in Emacs) does xref-find-definitions which only works if you have set up something called a tags table which is incomprehensible and a hassle and therefore unacceptable. It is much…

By ersi

How America Changes If Trump Wins

How America Changes If Trump Wins Today, following both Vance’s and Trump’s speeches at the RNC, the future trajectory of America if they’re elected is pretty clear. First, it’s important to acknowledge that this is no…

By rgrichardson