Category: Technology

The New Microsoft Corporate Strategy: Peace, Love, and Understanding?

Lets set the scene. Its nearly the year 2000. The Y2K bug has companies in fits, Microsoft is about to drop the best version of Windows ever, and you and I are having a conversation about a rumor that a Lord of the…

By cjprindle

Do you ever just get damn tired?

Hello y'all hope all are doing well. I'm having a hard time getting my stuff together my blog somehow isn't working like it was before I got locked out of my account. I'm still not at all clear on that one. I'm very…

By Babette

Using Story Points in Agile

There are two possible ways to use story points in Agile. One is toxic, demoralizing, and will probably drive your developers to look for employment elsewhere, while the other is mildly helpful, which is about all you…

By tradesmanhelix

It is my Vivaldi anniversary, yay!

Four things I've learned at Vivaldi in the last year: It is my Vivaldi anniversary, yay! I can't believe I'm celebrating my first year in this company and I'm so happy that I'm at the right place. I'm having so much…

By arigreve

Против Google поданы новые иски о слежке за пользователями

Компания Google, принадлежащая Alphabet Inc., тайком записывала данные о местоположении пользователей даже после того, как пользователи отключили отслеживание в настройках своих смартфонов и браузеров. Об этом говорится…

By Kurai

Welcome to my tech blog!

Welcome to my blog! My name is Carl Johnson. I am a computer technician, DJ, and avid gamer. This blog will consist of many different tweak guides, setup guides and other guides for Windows, Linux, MacOS, and PC Games.…

By carljohnson

2022 en mode « ne pas déranger » ?

Bonjour ! Cela fait déjà quelques années que je suis les aventures du blogueur (et maintenant gemlogueur) Lionel « Ploum » Dricot, et notamment sa quête, depuis 2016, d’une vie débarrassée de toutes ces sollicitations…

By Trit’

Responding to "Beware of 'service objects' in Rails"

I recently stumbled across Jason Swett's "Beware of 'service objects' in Rails" blog post. While I appreciate the perspective, I think it gets a number of things wrong. I replied to this post in a comment, but wanted to…

By tradesmanhelix

Email Lists and Tracking

I think that if this tree could only talk, the tales it would have to tell. …. look all its structure and growth . … and the twists and turns of the branches. One purpose of trees is to give us air to breath and are…

By fjcasella

The Messages In Our Lives

Photo: The Messages In Our Lives - Copyright 2017 Frank J Casella…

By fjcasella

Getting into cutting-edge drawing tech

Whether you're an artist, freelancer, support specialist or a person with a keen to use new technology, you likely heard already about hardware solutions to assist and sometimes improve possibilities for drawing, like…

By zanxer

Stupid Windows 11 Driver Signature and VirtualBox 6.1.30

There seems to be still an issue with installing the newest VirtualBox on a Windows 11 Host. Trying to install VirtualBox with all Options fails somewhere between and rolls back again. That's a real huge Problem for me…

By CrazyKoodaa