Category: Sports

Human Beings

Surfers on Asilomar State Beach, 30 July 2021 Human Beings…

By avvakum

Imatra's Ball Brothers in Quarantine

The quarantine of Imatra's Ball Brothers ends on July 14, 2021. The whole team has been tested and the results have been negative, meaning there have been no further infections on the team. …

By avvakum

Workout playlist / Плейлист для тренувань / Плейлист для тренировки

Hi guys! Please advise rhythmic music for my workout playlist. Style and year do not matter. The main thing is rhythm! Something like this ⤵:…

By Kurai

Les meilleurs spots pour rider en France

Le Skatepard de Lyon - Gerland Adresse : 24 Allée Pierre de CoubertinLYON (7ème Arrondissement) - 69007France …

By herveskate03

Le musée du skate de Lyon

En 2017, le projet d'un nouveau musée déferle la chronique : le DiSturb HouSe MuSeum. …

By herveskate03

Le skateboard, un moyen d'expression récréatif et artistique

Le skateboard, sorte de planche à roulettes née dans les années 30 aux USA et objet simple de prime abord, est pourtant techniquement étudié pour s'adapter à toutes les formes de pratique. A la fois fun et rebelle,…

By herveskate03

Les meilleurs tricks de Marc Gonzales

Retour sur les meilleurs tricks de Mark Gonzales, skateboarder professionnel et aussi artiste. …

By herveskate03

The Types of Soccer Jersey That Are Sold In The Indonesian Market

Types of Soccer Jersey Types Every season, there is always a new jersey model that men must buy. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford the original, so even the imitation version is an option.…

By outofthebox

Les meilleurs tricks de Tony Hawk

Tony Hawk est un skateur américain de renom. Voici une compilation de ses meilleurs skateboard Tricks. …

By herveskate03

Mathis meets Vivaldi

In my introductory blog post, I mentioned that I would like to have other people, different to myself, try Vivaldi. I wanted to observe and evaluate their first impression and see if their way of using it would differ…

By Johannes