Category: Photography

My Feminism (Also, if you're British -- unlike me, since I'm here illegally and I don't want to be British -- DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR A WOMAN IN THE JULY 4TH ELECTION)

I hope you like my picture (more about that below!) So like regarding the title of this blog post though: It's totally OK to be yelling about us all choosing to VOTE FOR A WOMAN IN ALL ELECTIONS!!!! :) Do you know how…

By victoriareign

Clarkia unguiculata

Clarkia unguiculata - Elegant clarkia - Mountain garland - Mandelröschen - Sommerfuchsie…

By Cezar

Iberis umbellata

Iberis umbellata - Garden Candytuft - Doldige Schleifenblume - Ernyős tatárvirág…

By Cezar

Ribes nigrum

Ribes nigrum - Blackcurrant - Cassis - Schwarze Johannisbeere - Fekete ribiszke - Coacăz negru…

By Cezar

Rudbeckia hirta

Rudbeckia hirta - Black-eyed Susan - Schwarzäugige Rudbeckie - Borzas kúpvirág…

By Cezar

Ribes rubrum

Ribes rubrum - Redcurrant - Rote Johannisbeere - Vörös ribiszke - Groseillier à grappes - Coacăz roșu…

By Cezar

Gypsophila vaccaria

Gypsophila vaccaria - Vaccaria hispanica - Cowherb - Kuhnelke - Fátyolvirág…

By Cezar

Alcea rosea

Hollyhock - Stockmalve - Mályvarózsa…

By Cezar

Remember a day

Remember a day... A day before today, a time before this time - the endless summer to which we said goodbye and slowly closed the door.…

By toomuchrose