Category: Personal

What’s out there?

I think that everything has been explored, in the old days you wonder what’s there at the end but now we know, about nothing. No Man’s Sky game has continuous development and travel all the time for exploration. We…

By ipristy


 たぶん俺は男社会の暗黙のルールが好きではない。 ……どころか、全くピンと来ていないようなところがある。  という認識を持つようになったのは、ほんのつい最近のことだ。 そして何故そうなったのかと言えば、近年、たまーにだが哲学者で作家の千葉雅也氏の𝕏上のポストを読む機会があり、その中で解っていなかったことが急に腑に落ちたような感覚を何度か経験したのだが、恐らくそのことが結構大きな原因であるように思う。 自分の性的感性は一応ノンケの範疇であ…

By izatate

At last - a time to vote....

This is a notification rather than a blog post. I've been criticised in the past for adding political and/or controversial material on Vivaldi, but I will still write it when I see fit. Given there are some crucial…

By travellinbob


OK, so I'm being really strict with myself and writing this post as simply as I can. I think my personality gets in the way of communicating how NOT CORRUPT I am, sometimes.…

By victoriareign


So like hey, people. How are you all doing? LOL. :)…

By victoriareign

I'm Going to Retire!

Been a while since I last posted more than a line. There have been some rough patches in my life. …

By mimismum

Plans for the blog

I plan to write about things I'm passionate about. Check back to hopefully see new posts!…

By cyberneticgorilla


背景 あるボランティアグループでは、毎月のボランティア参加者の集計に頭を悩ませていました。このボランティアグループは登録型のボランティアで、その中で自分の得意な分野(班)でボランティア活動を行えるものでした。(下図)…

By 10nin

Almost, to be arrested

I'm writing this, because I can no longer find anyone to talk to about it without it dragging something down on me. I tried - somewhat naively - to talk about it at home, some time ago. Did you know that the demo of the…

By mcastel

All the time the things are hard and none of it ever thinks about the children...

Of waxing and waning on the mere idea of attempting, or having been being in an attemptive sort of mood at the end of our year... (and transitioning to a sleepy sort of washed out blue sunset hue sort of situation) I…

By heymtj

If you go down to the woods today…

… you might get some trauma. This past week, all over my various mastodon feeds I have seen a lot of people mentioning people being trapped in the woods. I've got not a clue what the context is, and frankly I don't want…

By lonm

Nakedness is Normal - isn't it?

So today is Naked Gardening Day 2024 apparently, the annual (and flourishing) celebration of nudity and horticulture. I wouldn't mind betting there are members of this fine Vivaldi Community who will be happily…

By travellinbob