Category: Personal

Tempo perdido

"Veja o sol dessa manhã tão cinza, a tempestade que chega é da cor dos teus olhos, castanhos. " Renato Russo …

By nyl

A little Hello from Earth

This is my first Vivaldi's WordPress blog post page ever, please be indulgent. It's different from his subsequent as a snapshot of the moment, nTh blog post of a, could be true, emergent social network. Because it will…

By DreF


Shaking awakefrom silver threads of dreams,morning poursover mountains. Tired musclesplay once morea solar symphonyof sweat and toil.…

By gebeleizis



By kitsunekirin

I've got mail . . . Now what?

Yesterday, just before calling it a day, I discovered I had a new shiny on my account page. Webmail had arrived!…

By net8763

Blindly getting back to basics

Much like my activities today, my thoughts this evening are all over the place . . . and if I keep allowing myself to use that as an excuse I'll never write anything. So, today's post is a scattershot of the day's…

By net8763

5 Days Before Final Exam

Team Sprit won Riyadh Masters 2023 (Dota 2 tournament). I watched 3 or 4 movies within two days. Now it's 3 AM in my timezone and I can't sleep , being worried for my exam. HaHa, that's also one of main reason that I…

By paing

A Much Awaited Apology

This is a much awaited apology to both my readers as well as my blogger friends. I have been rather tardy with my blogging primarily due to the end-semester deluge of work. I have logged into the blog at times when…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay



By kitsunekirin


先日職場の片付けをしていたら、一昔前のメモらしき書類がいくつか出てきた。 ちょうどわたしが試みていることと同じようなことに力を入れていたことがわかる文面に目が止まった。…

By ye743


twitter消える消える騒動でSNS系の色々と情報が手に入りやすくなったから探してみた。 見つけたのがVivaldi…

By jdotool


少し前だけど、6月14日に国会前で行われた、インボイス制度反対集会をyoutubeのライブ配信で観てた。 そこで順番に発言するそれぞれの業界の人たちの言葉に、感動した。なんていうか真っ直ぐに訴えられた言葉、だったから。何かを背負ってるのではなく、その人自身から出た”その人”が、その言葉にあった。…

By ye743