Category: Personal


※性暴力に関する内容です。  2023年9月7日、株式会社ジャニーズ事務所による記者会見が行われた。登壇したのは藤島ジュリー景子代表取締役(前社長)、東山紀之新社長、井ノ原快彦氏、木目田裕弁護士の4人。記者会見は4時間を超えた。…

By kitsunekirin

A Book That Changed My Life

Please allow me to recommend a revolutionary book that changed my attitude and relationship with the Earth.  The book is: The One-Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka.  It was first published in English (I believe) in…

By daletucker

Casual Thoughts on a Busy Morning

What would happen if you stopped giving your opinion to everything? Would your erstwhile opinions wither away from the public memory or would they linger on as archived opinions? Would the society still judge a silent…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Feeling Sad About Not Getting Selected

DAY 1098 - 05th September 2023 I entered the University as a fresher last year, there was ACM club here. I had applied and gave the interview but could not get selected.Honestly I am really felling very sad. Also in…

By abnv

Blog Baru Saya Dimulai!

Assalamualaikum wr wb! Mungkin masih sedikit yang menggunakan Vivaldi di Indonesia. Namun, saya akan mencoba untuk menggunakannya, termasuk Vivaldi Blog yang baru saja saya mulai ini. Dalam blog ini, saya akan…

By frlvivaldi

Blog Baru Saya Dimulai!

Assalamualaikum wr wb! Mungkin masih sedikit yang menggunakan Vivaldi di Indonesia. Namun, saya akan mencoba untuk menggunakannya, termasuk Vivaldi Blog yang baru saja saya mulai ini. Dalam blog ini, saya akan…

By frlvivaldi

Homes Sweet Homes!

My memories of houses that I once lived in, with the assistance of Google and Bing Maps, photos and an old street map.…

By fredonline


Amanhece, amanhece, amanhece, o dia Um leve toque de poesia Com a certeza que a luz que se derrama nos traga um pouco, um pouco, um pouco de alegria! A frieza do relógio não compete com a quentura do meu coração Coração…

By nyl


Julgada inocente! A decisão que manteve a tomada na primeira instância, em setembro de 2022, também beneficia o ex-ministro da Fazenda Guido Mantega, o ex-presidente do Banco do Brasil Aldemir Bendine, o ex-secretário…

By ProfFábio