Category: Movies & TV

De dood van Alexander (2022 film)

Van Zeepedia, de gratis encyclopedie…

By Zeeslag

Stranger Things Season 4 .

Well, It's long time 25 months since Netflix released the third season of Stranger Things. However, he will have to be patient a little longer before returning to Hawkins. The fourth season of the sci-fi horror series…

By Xeeshan Mengal

John Cage, Quiz Show King

John Cage on the quiz show Lascia o Raddoppia?, Milan, 1959 In 1959, after he had given three lectures in the West German city of Darmstadt on the principle of indeterminacy in music and then staged a series of concerts…

By avvakum

Life's Rich Pageant

"Did you know you can support The Nation… by drinking wine?"

By avvakum

From the soundtrack to Jarhead - Soldier's things

By theseasons

The Perfect Combo

Little did I know, until yesterday, that soju was the world's biggest selling liquor. I've wanted to try the stuff for many moons now since binging, this past spring, on South Korean TV serials, whose characters…

By avvakum

Что не так с российскими онлайн-кинотеатрами? Часть 1: Менталитет

Что не так с российскими онлайн-кинотеатрами? Почему ни у Яндекса, ни у Газпрома так и не получилось создать «русский Netflix» и нужен ли он вообще? Ответ на этот вопрос, казалось бы, должен быть очевиден: нужен! Ведь…

By Alex Semёnov

My ideas for movies

The Alien Planet…They found a new planet not far away from earth and when they landed on it, they found alien beings with large head, big eyes and small body.

By ipristy

Greetings, Vivaldi Community

May I have a moment of your time to talk about our lord and savior Calimero. He is italian, just like Vivaldi himself. Here he is appreciating authentic italian cuisine.…

By lu9


A WOMAN 二分心智是一种心理学理论,它来源于美国心理学家朱利安 · 杰恩斯在 1976 年出版的著作:《二分心智的崩塌:人类意识的起源(The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind)》。该理论认为,人类的大脑被划分成为两个部分,不是医学上的左半脑和右半脑划分,而是心理学上的。其中一个部分 “ 用于说话 “,另一个部分 “ 用于聆听和遵循…

By Kuo



By kimura