Category: Health & Fitness

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

200 Hour Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Course at Arogya Yoga School, Rishikesh. Certified by Yoga Alliance USA. If you are looking to bring a change into your life by learning yoga for self-rejuvenation or…

By arogyayogaschool

Stosowanie CBD w chorobie Parkinsona

Stosowanie CBD w chorobie Pacbrkinsona, jedni chwalą drudzy krytykują. A pacjent chodzi skołowany i nie wie co ma o tym myśleć .…

By Danuta

Balansujące kamienie, sposób na stres

Chociaż układanie balansujących kamieni nie jest oficjalnie uznawaną metodą leczenia choroby Parkinsona, i prawdopodobnie żadnej innej, istnieją pewne potencjalne korzyści, które mogą być pomocne dla osób chorujących na…

By Danuta

Parkinson na mojej drodze

Był taki czas, kiedy to pan P. wszedł na moją drogę, dosiadł się do mnie i postanowił zostać do końca trasy. Niechciany pasażer na gapę. Pierwsze wrażenie, jakie na mnie zrobił to strach, co on ze mną zrobi? I ten…

By Danuta

Autoterapia sztuką, moje doświadczenia

Korzystając z dobrodziejstw autoterapii sztuką przez kilkadziesiąt lat, mogę się uznać w pewnym stopniu ekspertem. Chyba mogę, a to i tak nie ma znaczenia, przynajmniej dla mnie. Dla ścisłości, żeby nie było…

By Danuta

BWAAAHhhhh!!!! I'M MAIARA WALSH!!!! (I need to do other things atm. Going to fix the text issue later...)

So like hey everyone! :) Maiara here (as always, LOL!!!!) Sooo... in the plausibly-deniable narrative of the current forced-fam (two characters played by actresses who deliberately resemble Phebe Novakovic and David…

By victoriareign

Bariatric surgery saved my life. But it wasn't the 'easy' way out of weight loss - CBC News [2023-12-09]

As a child, I was always what some would call "the chubby girl." Later, as a single mom of two children living in a low-income neighbourhood, I couldn't always put quality food on the table. A bag of frozen fries was…

By canadianguy

Vax Day #2

I have COVID booster booked for this morning. Turning out wet and chilly. I've a big decision to make on what to wear. It has to be weatherproof, warm, but easy to take off. Hmmm.…

By mimismum

Nakedness is Normal - isn't it?

So today is Naked Gardening Day 2024 apparently, the annual (and flourishing) celebration of nudity and horticulture. I wouldn't mind betting there are members of this fine Vivaldi Community who will be happily…

By travellinbob

A time for renewal

I love this time of year, when I get back out into the country and stretch my aging limbs. Especially now that climate change - curse you! - is making such a difference.…

By travellinbob

Gut Biome Backup

I recently had to take a course of antibiotics and recognised how this process completely destroys my gut biome. I get one bad bacteria, and my only choice is to nuke all of the bacteria in my system, hoping I can…

By lonm

The Benefits of Exercise and Fitness

Exercise and fitness play crucial roles in maintaining overall health and well-being. Engaging in regular physical activity offers numerous benefits for both the body and mind. From improving physical strength to…

By filomenacarson