Category: Photography

Landschap op papier met foto

In 2021 heb ik drie foto's gebruikt om op grootformaat een landschap te schilderen: 75,5x55,5 cm. De foto's zijn uitgangspunt voor de invulling van het landschap dat zelf helemaal fictief is. Pigment en sumi-e op…

By canandanann

Brits Colombia

Foto's van het natuurgebied in Brits Columbia (VS) gemaakt door Martin Drenth zijn uitgangspunt voor deze elf landschappen in 2017. Ze zijn allen 50x65 cm - pigment, sumi-e op papier. Allemaal te koop, en over de prijs…

By canandanann

Leegte 1

Landschap: “The word itself tells us as much. It entered the English language, along with herring and bleached linen, as a Dutch import at the end of the sixteenth century. And landschap, like its Germanic root,…

By canandanann

As Time Slips Away

Photo: 'Passing Through' - A dark, monochrome scene features a yard with a large tree, a swing, and a small shed in the background. The mood is eerie, with shadows casting over the garden structures. The swing is left…

By fjcasella

Cluj Office Business Center

A modern place. A working environment. A place where you can socialize. And a place where you can live. A place where we pretend to care. A place where you can lose your mind. A place where I wouldn't enjoy returning. …

By Cezar

Baia Mare Jesuit Church

The Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church of Baia Mare (Nagybányai Szentháromság Katolikus Templom…, in Hungarian) is my favourite meditation place in Baia Mare.

By Cezar

Sibiu Jesuit Church

The Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church of Sibiu (or the Jesuit Church) is my favourite place in the city. Every time I pass through Sibiu I go inside it and meditate.…

By Cezar

Sibiu Lutheran Cathedral

The Lutheran Cathedral of Saint Mary (Evangelische Stadtpfarrkirche, in German) is the most famous Gothic-style church in Sibiu. It was built in the 14th century (1520) as a Roman Catholic parish church, on the location…

By Cezar


Nocrich (Leschkirch in German and Újegyház in Hungarian) has always been a mysterious place for me. Its name is hard to pronounce in Romanian and I didn't even know it exists until a couple of years ago. However, the…

By Cezar


Cristian (Großau in German, Kereszténysziget in Hungarian) is the first community westwards from Sibiu, on the main road. It has an interesting fortified church that is worth seeing.…

By Cezar



By フジイ

The Câlnic Citadel

Câlnic is an isolated place, far away from the main roads and close to the Carpathian Mountains. It is mostly known for its fortress, one of the few monuments of Romania included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In…

By Cezar