Category: Gadgets

How Slovak miners may have invented the wheel

Necessity may be the mother of invention, but the wheel is her most famous child. On its own the wheel is pretty useless, but the system of wheel and axle turned out a pre-historical technological revolution. But when,…

By jaxroam

my November gear

11月はあまり買わないようにとは思ったのです。本当に… AVIOT TE-Q3 最小クラスの実力が見たいと思って購入。AVIOTのものは概ね取り出しにくい。…

By rindow

I still looked away at all the icky scenes. I'm still lesbian!!!!! Bwahahaha!!!!!!!!!

Like hey, friends!!!! Tiny little celebrity girl amazing, internationally recognized actress and singer: that's me, Maiara Walsh -- typing up yet another fantabulous blog post for all my fans (The AdMaiaras) and for,…

By victoriareign

my October gear

今月は控えめに 7月にクラファンで募集し、10月発送予定となっていたunihertzのJelly Max。まさか月初めに到着すると思ってなくて油断してました。カメラのノイズもアップデートで解消された模様。巷ではジェネリックバルミューダフォンと呼ばれたりもしてましたが、全然こっちの方が良い。あとはしっかりアップデートしていってくれると良いのですが……

By rindow

It's FOSS: Пассивное и активное охлаждение

На систему охлаждения мало кто обращает внимание, и зря, ведь от неё зависит, как долго ваш новенький ПК будет исправно работать. Какое охлаждение бывает? И в чём разница между пассивным и активным охлаждением? Простое…

By Alex Semёnov


bo genuiys lonm Emoji: A Big 🤬ing Mistake?…

By colamonk

my September gear

あまり買わないつもりでもついつい… 縦折りスマホも3台目。意外と悪くないです。…

By rindow

저렴한 블루투스 포터블 스피커 선택 활용법

블루투스 스피커를 들고 다니다보면 야외에서 파손 분실의 위험성이 있으므로 저렴하면서도 적당한 성능이 보장되는 것을 선택하고 싶어진다. 그러나 막상 장만해보면 더 좋은 사운드를 위해 고급제품을 사려고 하게 되고 저가형 제품을 보면서 돈 버렸다는 생각을 한번쯤은 하게 된다.…

By JaehwanSHIN

Has Your State Park Joined the Ranks with Mobility Tanks?

Read Alt text for caption. "Has Your State Park Joined the Ranks with Mobility Tanks?" – Update All-Terrain Motoring For Persons With Disabilities... Part Deux: …

By OutOfExile_IDR § Blog

my August gear

今月は少なめで XPERIA 1 VI、ソニーストアSIMフリー限定版。現行メイン機が Xiaomi 11 lite 5G NE だが、次期メイン機になる予定。…

By rindow

Get a Grip – Disability Assistive Devices to Help You Perform and Restore Hand Function

Are you living with a non-functional hand or limb difference disability, like me? Imagine having a limp hand with no feeling or strength to grasp objects, when suddenly you're able to hold a drumstick, and jam again. …

By OutOfExile_IDR § Blog

Age Calculator

Want to find out how old you are in seconds, minutes, or even days? Look no further than the Age Calculator tool on! Just follow these easy steps to calculate your age:…

By agecalculator

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