So first let me state this is the first blog or public reading material I have ever done. That being said there most likely will be mistakes so please be kind. For me this is way out of my comfort zone and its crazy cause I’m alone in my house and saying to myself you are really not clicking publish so people can see this.

Soto describe myself I’m a 52 year old Italian man from Philadelphia. I have a high school education but mostly relied more on my street smarts and strong work ethic to make it . I work as a roll-off driver for the largest waste removal companies in the world. I’m set in my ways up by 3 am and Mon – Friday 13 hour work day . one day about 7 years or so ago my job went all in with technology . Now all the sudden no paper everything is done with tablets . our trucks are being replaced with new trucks that do all kinds of things from watching you 24/7 , relaying how many times you yarn while driving , how many times your eyes were not paying attention , if the front wheel was a over the white line by a pin head or the following distance was not what they suggested. With those types of things also comes 20 something year olds with degrees that get hired as Managers and Bosses. Now all the sudden my life is flooded with tech and younger people telling me how to drive and how to do my job but they cant even show me how to start a truck engage a PTO or anything and to be honest that doesnt bother me. If whom ever is my boss respects me then same is returned .

So in time having to adjust to this new way of working i say alot of guys/woman whom at the time were like myself not really tech savvy i mean i would just walk up to my boss and say hey set this up or reboot this. It actually got to the point that they could tell i wasnt going to learn this or they thought “the older guy is just dumb so just do it for him” and i saw a few of my co-workers just say fuck it i quit. Such is life and i would have bet my life savings that i would never do anything more with a computer then check my email and send completed work in at the end of the work day.

So today as i write my first blog if i would have bet my life savings i be broke right now lol . See something happened about a year ago . i got hurt at work and had to rest and they ment no physical activity for 14 days . So after the 2nd day i watched enough tv and had some music on and was fucking bored . I checked my emails (like 20 times) had a Facebook acct that never went on so i said ok let me turn the laptop back on and see what the Facebook is doing and about 20 mins later that was enough and just hit a few buttons and came crossed this article “The Remarkable Story of Linux: From Hobby Project to Global Impact” and started to read and when i was done googled more about that Linux and about computers. In the next 10 days all i found myself doing was reading and reading about what this thing used to check emails was really here for. I became fascinated or obsessed with want to learn more about computers …what they did and what they could do . I found myself needing to know whats inside them. I kept thinking is this how people were acting when computers started to first appear in our lives or like in real time a young person just hacked a social media acct and told their friends . Im not sure about anything all i knew at the end of my 14 days recovering i was hooked on learning and using my computer .

So we will fast forward to last week after many books read and alot of hands on practice, I mean trial and error , good days and days screaming what the fuck why aint this working . Here i am a 52 year old who just wants to learn and stepping out of his comfort zone to lay out his highs and lows during his introduction to GNU/Linux world . Thats right has of last week im going to switch or slowly switch to linux. Being honest im a little scared of this i mean the whole terminal thing is a bit intimidating at first but hey one of the books i read was LINUX FOR DUMMIES and it sits right next to me lol.

So a few days ago i downloaded Vivaldi and wow all i can say so far the people in the community have been so helpful and friendly. I mean thats why i felt i want to blog about this journey of mine . I wanted anyone who reads this to know i would love for help, tips anything that you would like to offer would be appreciated and if you feel the need to give me negative feedback thats fine to in fact it be helpful as well cause nothing in life is all great job and perfect so dont hold back. Today i start out a complete NOOBIE in Linux and i hope to keep track of my progress slow or fast however long it takes im just going to love how excted i am to learn again …. SO THANK YOU FOR READING THIS and THANKS FOR YOUR HELP and INPUT …


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