Against the godless and the wicked…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty GOD of creation : I AM.

At the moment many nations are getting more and more chaotic, if they refuse to accept Me and My Reign in creation. For powers of darkness try to seize and keep control, although My Spirit and holy angels and saints are still fighting them. I AM. Many are ready to war against one-another. But still I AM keeping some of them under My control… for the time that I AM willing to spare them and others. I AM. For the time will come that millions will die, because of their godlessness and wickedness and evil… and because they were not willing to allow Me to change their ways of thinking, speaking and actions/deeds. Many were/are Luciferians and did/do all that I hate. Therefore I will destroy them at a moment that they will not expect it to happen. For I AM the GOD who hates all evil and who hates it if they deny Me… and love evil and wickedness and idolatry… and love the lie and do the lie. I AM. I sent My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach to save sinners/evildoers, but alas many rejected this message of pure and holy righteousness and glorious heavenly love and mercy and grace and reconciliation and sanctification and justification and of completion and of glorification. Alas many are willing to steal, pray to images of human beings/gods or godesses… or to the queen of heaven, which is a demon, or to pray to “saints” , which were often no saints at all, but evil religious and deceiving spirits of wicked religious leaders, who rejected the true gospel… and in doing so became devils. I AM. Soon I will destroy all these churches/tempels/synagogues/schools of satan, where they rejected the original holy scriptures of the Old Covenants and the New Covenant, or holy prophets- and apostle-teachings. I AM. Woe to all these wicked ones, who think that they are supreme above all other people, but are in reality the lowest kinds of people that there are in the universes. Soon I will show them all that these “winners” are in reality the great losers of creation. I AM. They thought that they were above all other “slaves” of their godless and wicked Mammon-system/Beast-system/Whore Babylon-system, and that they could manipulate them like they wanted. But soon I will reveal My holy judgments with great power. I AM. For I know the secrets of these wicked ones and will show them that I AM in charge of creation. I AM. Woe to those deniers and false witnesses, these liars and betrayers and deceivers and seducers and killers. I AM.

Prophecy 26.06.2020. Received by The Candle.