So just a short little post to wish all my readers in Vivaldi Land a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope the holiday season is everything you want it to be, and you find peace and love with your family, friends and Significant Others, plenty of good food, wine, beer, fun and laughter. And presents. I’m signing off now for my own festivities – no doubt I will eat and drink too much (as is the Polish way), and don’t let all the crap going on in the world interfere too much.
I’ll be back early in January with a longer essay, reviewing 2024 (and trying to make sense of it all…) and looking forward to 2025 – please God it’s an improvement on the last couple of years! I don’t do Resolutions because I’ve only ever kept one (it was to stop making New Year’s Resolutions and I made it in 1974) but I always try to make some plans and targets – I’m mulling over the next batch as I tap away here – so I’ll deal with them too (assuming they’re set). So there is something for you to look forward to – I can feel the anticipation and excitement building already!
Take care, and may your God be with you (in whatever form is appropriate).
Wishing you and your family Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year