Category: Food

Natural Fitness

Steroids and Harmones should not be used to enhance physique or improve sports abilities. These will impact your midage and oldage life by seriously damaging your organs and immune system.…

By dact

We Eat More Than We Think We Do

A weeks worth of groceries so where does it all go? Maybe in the mouth and out to the sewer system? Perhaps it isn't our metabolism that decreases, but rather that our consumption increases!

By robrose

Once In A While I Do Something Right

Happy wife. We very seldom if ever eat at restaurants in the States since we eat out all the time whenever we travel overseas. She really liked my suggestion we stop at her favorite restaurant in town when we were out…

By robrose

Zucchini Picking Time

We pick them when the small. Just the perfect size to slice into rounds, dip in egg and flour then fry up in a skillet.…

By robrose

Good Food

The image says it all.

By robrose

Blue Cheese Dip

Out with the Krap, in with the homemade. She found a recipe online that she felt would make a good starting point for the first attempt that had some non-standard ingredients, i.e., more natural without loads and loads…

By robrose

Smoked Jalapeno Salmon Burgers

The MAK One-Star General doing its thing. I find it interesting that since we discovered these Jalapeno salmon burgers beef burgers which we very seldom had have become a thing past though we still have the occasional…

By robrose

Flavored Gin

Ms G&T, so named for the two G&T's she enjoys every night, bought these two flavored gins during our last foray to the liquor store. After consuming a number of G&T's made from each the verdict is in.…

By robrose

We Do Eat Good

Smoked pork loin with BBQ sauce, quinoa topped with charro beans and steamed broccoli with agave syrup. Life is good.…

By robrose

Coffee Grinder Cleaning

Linda likes her coffee to be the kind that puts hair on a man's chest with the result being the roasted beans tend to be very oily. Making her coffee in the morning and cleaning the grinder are my jobs. I don't…

By robrose

Baked Sweet Potato With Toppings

Neither one of us is a fan of baked potatoes, the white potato kind that is. While we prefer sweet potato fries but will still eat regular french fries on occasion, the only baked potatoes we eat are sweet potatoes. …

By robrose

Smoked Pork Loin - Part 2

In the smoker and ready to go. We put the temperature probes into the thickest part of the meat.…

By robrose