Category: Recent

Išvykimas iš Svilengrado: epilogas

Svilengradas kaip ir visi pasienio miestai ir keista, ir kartu ypatinga vieta. Priklauso nuo požiūrio - arba pakraštys arba atviri vartai į platesnį pasaulį.…

By jakovlevas

Someone Had a Bad Day

It must have happened some time ago as there is not much left of what was once an RV, the larger pieces having been taken away. The boxy object on the left side is the remains of the oven. When RVs catch on fire, unless…

By robrose

São João Bosco

Sempre trabalhei com amor "Antes de mais nada, se queremos ser amigos do verdadeiro bem de nossos alunos e levá-los ao cumprimento de seus deveres, é indispensável jamais vos esquecerdes de que representais os pais…

By mrclmlt

Light to all Humans

WE Build a metaverse for multiversal Freemasonry. The next generation of the Masonic world. This project is collaborative in all languages all rites. We build Metaverse Masonic Temples for all rites and all languages.…

By freemasonry

Book of Boba ep 2: Ancestral claim and indigenous justice in a galaxy far, far away

This review contains spoilers for the Book of Boba. This review is written by a white-passing Star Wars fan, and is by no means an authentic indigenous perspective on fiction, but rather the impact of Star Wars on the…

By Frugal Bone

[Animes] Bilan du second semestre 2021

Salut à tous ! Comment allez-vo-OUI JE SUIS EN RETARD JE SAIS ! Ca fait genre des SEMAINES que je décale l'écriture de cet article, sans raison autre que "la flemme", mais il est grand temps de s'y mettre. Comme à…

By hakenbrowning

Have An Old Unused Flash Drive?

Here are few ways to use it today. Image by jacqueline macou from Pixabay …

By sexyslater

Ddict: мновенный перевод выделенного текста

Интернет не знает границ, а значит, языковой барьер – это чуть ли не единственное препятствие, которое может встретиться на вашем пути. Благо большинство современных браузеров давно научились автоматически переводить…

By Alex Semёnov


Are Genetically Modified foods benefícial? Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, GM foods are almost always benefícial. Now let me explain the details.      …

By introsp


Today I visited a place that I would call “the Deep Alsace”. It looked like an abandoned place and it was scary as hell, despite the good weather. The photos that follow can be an answer for why the Germanic places hide…

By Cezar

kernel log of yk-l1 (+e3276s-920) running firmware YOUKU-YK1-GO2022-01-27-AB21

Linux version 5.4.158 (root@2a4003c602de) (gcc version 8.4.0 (OpenWrt GCC 8.4.0 r16279-5cc0535800)) #0 Tue Aug 31 22:20:08 2021 Board has DDR2 Analog PMU set to hw control Digital PMU set to hw control SoC Type:…

By kampotsoil