Category: Recent

Naviguez avec Vivaldi à bord de votre Renault !

Il y a six mois, nous annoncions la disponibilité du navigateur Vivaldi à bord d'une voiture électrique haut de gamme de la marque Polestar…, malheureusement non disponible en France.

By ra-mon

Tip #21

Watch videos in a floating window using the Pop Out Video feature. The Pop Out Video feature, aka Picture-in-Picture, allows you to display HTML5 videos in a floating window so that you can continue watching the video…

By Vivaldi Tips

spectroscopic observations on 17 may

Again a clear night, so i started with spectroscopic observations in high-resolution ( R=15000) of Be-stars: 28 Cygnus and omicron Hercules.

By astrobry

Robert CHAILLOUX, au Rosmeur mais à Port Rhu?

Le Rosmeur sous la pluie Robert CHAILLOUX est né en 1913 et décédé en 2006.…

By gmalette


Is outsóurcing a positive phenomenon? Depending on what we are and where we live, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, outsourcing strategy is mostly positive phenomenon. Now let me…

By introsp

Vinterberetninger 1956 -1957

Perioden 1/4 til 31/5 1957 3/4…

By olpa

Tour de force: Vivaldi and Renault team up for the best on-road experience

The first browser on Android Automotive OS, Vivaldi arrives in Renault’s next-generation cars – Megane E-Tech Electric, All-New Austral and ​​all future cars with OpenR Link system.

By Team Vivaldi

How the world was created

Genesis 1:1 - Genesis 2:7…

By Bible4Reasoning

Wine: Secondary Fermentation

The wines are now doing their thing in the glass carboys. I plan to wait until after we return home from our summer RV travels to bottle them. Then it will be two or three years before they are at their best to drink.…

By robrose

A song for me

Looking Into The Sun…

By toomuchrose


Antirrhinum majus - Snapdragon - Gura Leului…

By Cezar

аллилуйя | настроение прославление 🎵 🙏

очень 5расивый прославляющий христианский псалом…