Category: Recent
comet and spectroscopic observations
between periods of clouds and disturbance of the moon, i could observe some comets: 29P, C/2018 U1, C/2019 K7, C/2019 L3, C/2019 T3, C/2019 U6. With hte C11 and LHiResIII sepctrograph i could take 3 spectra: gam Cas…
By astrobry
夢中住在一間小套房,某天早上醒來腦中閃過上學要遲到的念頭,因為賴床又繼續睡回鍋覺,等到清醒已經是中午過後。正在猶豫要去上下午的課還是乾脆請假的時候,突然想起自己早就畢業了,為什麼還要上學?這個夢就結束了。 2020年9月6日…
By surrealcafe
Loot animé du week-end
Bonjour ! Alors, c’est avec un peu d’avance sur sa date de sortie officielle que vient de me parvenir ceci :…
By Trit’
和朋友去北歐自助旅行,跑去參觀斯德哥爾摩的長島監獄博物館,巧遇另一個住在這間旅館的朋友。在旅行的途中,想拍照時才發現沒帶相機,行李根本都沒帶,也記不起來自己是怎麼抵達當地。後來在賣啤酒的店裡得到會瞬間移動的飛行坐騎,於是飛回家拿完東西又很快地回到旅行的目的地。 2020年9月5日…
By surrealcafe
By David Blue
huge respect to motion graphics-savvy friends… this took me most of the morning and it’s really just a bunch of stacked, tweaked presets.…
By David Blue
This Week in Idiot White Men …
This is a series that should write itself really. There are so many of us white guys out there, and so many are just complete idiots.…
By davidlewis
Alegria alheia
A tristeza não pode ser tratada como uma erva daninha inconveniente que se infiltra no jardim das nossas felicidades, mas precisa ser cultivada como um dos sentimentos que, tal como os outros, é resultado da…
By mrclmlt