Category: Miscellaneous

Things I have learned, perceived and/or felt in the past 2 years

To practice seeing and believing in myself in a loving light is pivotal, and ultimately enjoyable. Just because I (we) ethically refuse certain versions of the future does not mean others will materially pursue it less.…

By gracema

Die Grausame Realität... dieser Tage... Ernsthafte Botschaft... für Wahre Jünger Jesu... und Wahre Nachfolger... und Aufrichtig Suchende...…

By The Voice in The Wind.

De Ontnuchtering... om gered te kunnen worden... Boodschap van GOD uit Zijn troon via profetie. ( Dutch.NL. EU)…

By The Voice in The Wind.

O kropki! Komuniści...

Jaki jest bocian chyba każdy wie. Natomiast nie każdy wie ile centymetrów długości ma dziób dorosłego bociana. Według Wikipedii i innych stron ta długość wynosi od 16 do 20 cm. Chyba tylko u bocianiego dziecka, bo…

By Totylkoja

My complicated and frustrating relationship with GIMP

GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program, has a bit of a reputation among some for being...hard to use. It has a steep learning curve, and one of the most common searches regarding it is how to draw a straight line.…

By glaceraven

Vinterberetninger 1956 -1957

Perioden 1/4 til 31/5 1957 3/4…

By olpa

How the world was created

Genesis 1:1 - Genesis 2:7…

By Bible4Reasoning

A song for me

Looking Into The Sun…

By toomuchrose

Einsichten für Nachsichten

Schön, wenn ich noch lernfähig bin. Schön, wenn ich noch lernen möchte und das hoffentlich auch tue.…

By cowboybebop

2 Timothy 4:3-4

Dear brethren In the Lord Jesus Christ, For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn…

By Bible4Reasoning

Proverbs 10:11

The mouth of a righteous person is a fountain of life, but violence covers the mouth of the wicked.Proverbs 10:11…

By Bible4Reasoning