Category: Miscellaneous

A response to unexpected success...?

Wow. I was not expecting a post I wrote off-the-cuff on the spur of the moment to blow up like it did. I'm very grateful for all the feedback, and I'm glad I was apparently able to help a lot of people. It was…

By glaceraven

FACE REALITY / FACTS... and quit your false teachings in your churches and bible-studies...

This video ... is a statement ... of a former Russian Leader... for/to people who still think that the Apocalypse will be fulfilled in the last seven years, called by many the great tribulation. They were/are all…

By The Voice in The Wind.

"The Value of the Human Soul"2 Corinthians 5: 1-4 Dr. Anthony George | Senior PastorFirst Baptist…

By Bible4Reasoning

A Spiritual Exercise

This ends the description of the tabernacle, the pattern God gave to His people to reveal heavenly truths. It all speaks of Jesus. It all symbolizes Him and His work for us and our privileges and responsibilities in…

By Bible4Reasoning

Hoe kun je gered worden van de tweede dood / vuurzee ? Boodschap door... The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / The Menorah.…

By The Voice in The Wind.

LIVE... LOVE... Message by ... The Voice in the Wind / The Candle.…

By The Voice in The Wind.

The garden of Eden - and the disobedience of Adam and Eve.

Genesis 2:8 - Genesis 3:24 GOD HIMSELF MADE for Adam and Eve their first earthly home. And a beautiful home it was. We shall call it a garden-home. God chose a place from which four rivers flowed and there He planted a…

By Bible4Reasoning

Wir sind gekommen zum Himlischen Jerusalem.... 28.05.2022.…

By The Voice in The Wind.

fire tabletへのインストールの続き

まず、fire tabletへのインストールの続きだが、linuxをxfceで動かしたいと思ってます。できれば日本語表示で。  今回はdebianで実現したので、その覚え書きです。…

By gogosag


Biblical Symbolism deals with the biblical use of everyday objects to symbolize spiritual truth. Jesus ' teaching was full of symbolism. He presented Himself as a Shepherd, a Sower, a Bridegroom, a Door, a Cornerstone,…

By Bible4Reasoning