Category: Miscellaneous

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By sjepix

How to create teleport links in There

Always wondered how to make a link that teleports your avatar? Wonder no more, for here is the answer: I am going to attempt to keep it simple.…

By aplas

.Happy Anniversary Smokey Bear

Smokey Bear. August 9, 1944“Our Carelessness. Their Secret Weapon.” …

By i_ri

GOD speaks to the prophets of this endtime/last days... Message by : The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / JMP Schoonbroodt. NL. EU …

By The Voice in The Wind.

GOD speaks... to the prophets of this endtime/last days... Message by The Voice in the Wind / The Candle.…

By The Voice in The Wind.


安倍元首相が亡くなってから大きな喪失感を感じていましたがようやく立ち直れそうです。関わりがなくても知っている人がこういう形で亡くなるのは本当につらい。 話は変わって、最近遊んだゲームについて、です。…

By ironika310

I surrendered a dog to keep a crappy job to pay child support--I should have kept the dog and quit the job

Circa 1970 a puppy claimed me. He was half Cocker Spaniel and half Springer, black and white, and absolutely loyal to me.…

By alanrosean

Sempre a Proposito di Temi per Vivaldi Browser: Volcano!

L'ispirazione per me deriva da questo post. Grazie alla geniale community!…

By palmbeach

GOD's GEEST... laten spreken en openbaren.... Profetische boodschap door God's Geest via Jean Schoonbroodt . NL. EU.…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Zonder het Bloed van het Lam van GOD... geen vergeving van zonden... Boodschap van God's genade via Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt.NL. EU. …

By The Voice in The Wind.

Breath of the Wild - Vivaldi Theme

Hello, once again! I recently made this theme for my look of Vivaldi, however, it's too large for me to upload it to the themes site, so, I have decided to make a post about it on my blog and to allow a download of it,…

By vointsynk