Category: Miscellaneous


Albergo Diffusoの略で、分散型の宿(アルベルゴはイタリア語で「宿」、ディフーゾは「分散」)の意味だ。…正確ではないが、「村ごとホテル」という呼び名の方が一般の人には分かりやすいかも。

By moneja


「世間話」の意味は、一般的には雑談の意味も含むが、ここでは「話題の多様性」の趣旨。 ー----------------------------------------------…

By moneja


久々にちょっと使いこなしたいソフトに出会えた。 Vivaldiという統合ソフトだ。…

By moneja


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea…

By onutz

Bijbelse boodschap ter opbouw... Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Mes extensions

Le navigateur est devenu l’application centrale d'un ordinateur, pour certain c'est même la seule application qu'ils utilisent, c'est pour cela qu'il est nécessaire de bien l'équiper.Pour moi le navigateur est incomplet…

By attadeurtia

Redirect port 80 ke 443 di apache2.

Menurut saya, cara redirect dari port 80 ke port 443 sebaiknya menggunakan module mod_rewrite bawaan paket software apache2. Cara ini lebih menghemat resource dan lebih cepat. Jurus ini berlaku di apache2-2.4.51…

By handz106

GCP Load Balancing SSL

Kamu adalah seorang sysdamin (veteran) yang diberi misi menjalankan web server di GCP. Di GCP, menjalankan service apache2 tidak semudah di baremetal krn GCP punya "aturan tersendiri" menjalankan service apache2. Asumsi…

By handz106

Serious words of GOD to Israel, the nations and the Global Elite...

This says GOD YHVH to Israel and to the surrounding nations... and to the Global Elite :…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Hello to you :)

Welcome to your new Blog! We're really excited to see what you do with it. This private post is here to show you what your posts will look like and to give you a few tips on getting started. Feel free to edit it, delete…

By narga

Words of GOD... to the prophet EL-I-JaH...

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation, the Almighty One :…

By The Voice in The Wind.