Category: Miscellaneous

Neufund Amazonen-Mosaik

(c) Reuters; seen at Oben das derzeit einzige Foto eines sensationellen Fundes, ein großes Fußbodenmosaik aus Rastan in Syrien. Laut BBC ist das gesamte Mosaik 20x6m…

By eikefaber

Личный блог айтишника.

Полезные ссылки МИАЦ РБКриптоПро ЭЦП Browser plug-inДрайверы Рутокен для WindowsMozilla FirefoxБаза знаний РФ ЕГИСЗДля проверки корректности установки службы AuthAPI Mozilla Firefox…

By vivadill

Sul Vero Radicalismo

La premessa di rigore a questo breve articolo è che non sono mai stato, né sono, nemico di qualsivoglia proposta radicale avanzata per risolvere questo o quel problema. La mia concretezza non sottende alcuna base…

By palmbeach vidios-movies…

By mendot250

Sul Creare Contenuti

A vario titolo e per varie ragioni, in questo periodo mi sto interessando di creazione di contenuti; ovvero, della (fantomatica) figura del content creator. …

By palmbeach

The trees of the Lord are full of sap

"The trees of the Lord are full of sap." --Psalm 104:16…

By Bible4Reasoning


この のブログは独特なつくりになっている。…

By 7kamado

Mood Dance

Master, I remember the valley. I didn't understand. I miss the other masters with the old magic and chants. Out here in the world, look at me... I'm not a hero... not the way you wanted. Master, nothing is…

By stroopwafel

Tot de Ecclesia, die de Hoer Babylon verliet / verlaat en het Beest... 24.10.2022.…

By The Voice in The Wind.


これはテストです。 WordPressの改造版なのだろうけれど、しくみが大幅に改変されていてよくわからない。多言語化もうまくいっていないと思う。…

By 7kamado