Category: Technology

Email And Mental Health

Ice patters on black pavement juxtaposed with shadow patterns from the morning sunlight. Although this may look difficult to walk on, it is something beautiful to look at. Likewise, the challenges or struggles we face…

By fjcasella

Oubliez les GAFAM ! Vivaldi et Lingvanex montrent bien que, même pour la traduction, les géants de la Big-Tech'ne sont pas incontournables.

Aujourd'hui, la plupart des outils de traduction en ligne, Google Translate par exemple, sont au mains de sociétés qui collectent massivement des données. Et nombreux sont les utilisatrices et utilisateurs de ces…

By ra-mon

Feels Great to be Testing Software Again!

...especially when it is a brand new OS! …

By pgsneocube

Key Benefits of having a Video Streaming Server Enable Instant Viewing There are various platforms that give moment admittance to films, in any event, when its shoppers are out and about. Maybe you could utilize this…

By jason54321

Understanding unless in Ruby

I don't know about you, but Ruby's unless has always been kind of hard for me to grok, but I'm realizing that's because I've never seen a great use of it, esp. one that made me go, "Oh wow - yeah I'd definitely use…

By tradesmanhelix

Should Artists or Nonprofits Use A Domain Name?

Photo: The Joy of Art and Story - People admire the Art collection at the Union League Club in Chicago, Illinois - Copyright 2014 Frank J Casella. …

By fjcasella

Helmet for everything

Still no brain implant for controlling microwave or whatever? Well, this will collect thoughts and converting them to commands over helmet with Bluetooth signals. This will allow to control all range of devices like TV…

By ipristy

Golang une fonction qui se returne à l'infini

fonction qui se renvoie elle même type AB func()AB…

By iffigues

Privacy, Security, and the Web

Photo: 'Protection' - A man walks with a woman under an umbrella on a rainy Chicago city street - Photograph Copyright 2008 Frank J Casella…

By fjcasella

Test video embed

Testing video iframe…

By pathduck


A couple of days ago I created an account Audius, which looks like it's trying to become Spotify for the blockchain. It's quite cool!…

By weidel

Why Networking is Important

Photo: Autumn Pine - A square artistic photograph of the changing colors of a pine tree at Autumn in Midwest America - Square Color Photograph Copyright 2019 Frank J Casella…

By fjcasella