Category: Technology

Artificial Intelligence

There’s a revolution going on… We are at the very beginning and it is mostly described in terms of sensational news. But it’s serious.…

By Cezar

Starship Moves Ever Closer to Launch

Earlier this week SpaceX conducted a Wet Dress Rehearsal on a fully stacked Starship as it continued to move ever closer to the first launch of the the world's largest rocket. It doesn't look it but it is 395 feet tall…

By robrose

ChatGPT writes a poem about Vivaldi web browser - not bad for ai.

At the openai prompt, I typed: "write a poem about the Vivaldi web browser" "Vivaldi, a browser so grand,With features that make it stand,Tabs stacked high,For easy eye,A true work of technology's hand.…

By slake

2022 en mode « ne pas déranger » : un an après, le bilan

Bonjour ! Rappelez-vous : il y a pile un an, je vous disais que je voulais passer une année 2022 sans me faire déranger par tout ce qui était téléphone, e-mails, notifications d’applis diverses, etc. Un an après, qu’en…

By Trit’

It's FOSS: Смартфоны на базе Linux

Смартфон на Linux – мечта многих гиков и параноиков. Теоретически накатить открытую ОС можно на многие популярные модели, но возиться с этим готовы далеко не все. Гораздо привлекательнее смотрятся готовые решения.…

By Alex Semёnov

Golden Hour on the Fence

Photo: 'Golden Hour on the Fence' - Copyright 2015 Frank J Casella…

By fjcasella

Sobre senhas...

– Ô de casa? – Quem é? – Sou eu? – Eu quem? – Fulano, não reconhece minha voz não é? – Ah, é você Fulano, entra aí…”…

By literolinguista

Deux semaines après avoir lâché Twitter…

Bonjour ! Nous sommes le 16 janvier 2023, et ça fait donc 13 jours que j’ai cessé d’utiliser Twitter, après y avoir consacré une présence continue depuis le 20 novembre 2011. 13 jours après, qu’en est-il ? Ai-je un…

By Trit’

Libraries Should be a Home for the Cloud

Throughout history the library has been a place for the masses to get free access to information and to help grow their abilities, their culture, their knowledge. I think they would be a perfect home for the…

By lonm

Give your Vivaldi Social profile some love!

Personally, I love a good profile page. When I decide if I want to follow someone or not, I always look at their profile page, and I often change my own profile. Here are some thoughts on how and why you should change…

By Gaute Holmin

A Little Light Makes a Big Improvement

A Christmas scene we kept when we cleaned out my mothers house. None of the buildings were lighted, but this year I decided that it woild look much better if the little white church was lighted up.…

By robrose


Som eit første forsøk på "læringsanalyse" (kva no det måtte vere) har vi i ein periode registrert om studentar nyttar "stor" eller "liten" skjerm når dei går inn i Canvas. Og til samanlikning: kva nyttar lærarane?…

By akkogve