Category: Science

Covid in the time of good weather

Number 44 of the Series…

By Weatherlawyer

Mike Lindel

Number 45-46 of the Series…

By Weatherlawyer

here we go as promised last week

10 Aug, 07:08 The high off Newfoundland will head over to Britain Is it my fault that people don't listen? Was it Noah's fault people died in the flood? I gave the message. Is it my fault god never transmitted it? …

By Weatherlawyer

Making god laugh

Number 41 of the Series…

By Weatherlawyer

bruhno momento

bruh moment en, dan moeten we het bijna onmogelijk maken om te vragen. Voorzitter, laat ons dan als voorbeeld de heer Gerrit Zalm vermelden. Hij is door de vorige voorzitter van de Europese Raad in de beweging geroepen.…

By Zeeslag

How To spot Fake Weather - Book Released!

Links To The Book Chapter 1Shem, Ham, and Japheth…

By Weatherlawyer

2021 NASA - SKYCAL - Sky Events Calendar is now live.

By Weatherlawyer

Ghosts and Shadows - 1 Hosea

date:20 Jul 2021, 13:18subject:Fwd: Chat with Michael McNeil ’Ghosts and Shadows 1 Hosea.odt’ 31 C at 17:36 Fake weather or what?…

By Weatherlawyer

Yor computer 'e ded

Inbox Michael McNeilTue, 20 Jul, 12:17to me…

By Weatherlawyer

The Haitian Quake Encyclopaedia Britannica

date:18 Jul 2021, 07:06subject:A goo slave plays hard to ge and you are soooo far away…

By Weatherlawyer

How to spot Fake Weather 11

Analysis When I make a weather chart collection I burn all the ones that are saved in a different format. The first of this collection is a duplicate and comes from a different source, I don’t need it. If you don’t…

By Weatherlawyer

Dynamic Intelligence

We need self-learning routers that will much better protect home users, but i guess you get what you paid for. Internet provider don't do much for user, it's not resetting router if something stops working or refresh…

By ipristy