Category: Productivity

Writing Talk — A Writing Time Out

Related to Writing, What Do You Mean by "Time Out"? If you're a parent, you're probably aware of the disciplinary concept of "time out."  If your child is misbehaving, you may decide he needs a time out in which case he…

By daletucker

Best Practice: Code Like No One's Watching

When writing code, it's often easy to trigger the "freeze" response from the "fight, flight, freeze, or fawn" list of trauma responses….

By tradesmanhelix

Web3 en Vivaldi

Vivaldi, más que un navegador, es una suite de productividad, flexible, segura y orientada a la privacidad. Como parte de su productividad, permite que podamos integrar la Web3 en el navegador sin que esta esté por…

By yoditar

The Calendar and Other Tools

Since I choose to add tasks to my calendar, it becomes easy to monitor my progress each new day. In fact having a calendar or a to do list can definitely help a writer in planning ahead with his/her day or week. To cut…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

The Last Lap

With the holidays almost over (seven days to go before I collide once more with the real world), I am at the last lap of my work with regarding to proof reading and other related matters. And I hope to make the most of…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Morning Storm

The thing about the storms of life, is that they are not forever and after the clouds pass it is a new dawn. The effects of the storm may have an impact for some time, but it is all about how we respond to storms and…

By fjcasella

Busy as a Bee

Work is keeping me busy. By work I mean REAL WORK. Not the charade of work that writers are often compelled to hide beneath. Struggling writers are often foxed into believing that they are not really writers. That…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Sunlight Through The Trees

The sunlight illuminates the leaves in the trees along the trail at the Homewood Izaak Walton Preserve in Illinois - USA. Photo: 'Sunlight Through The Trees - Orton Effect' - Copyright 2022 Frank J Casella All Rights…

By fjcasella


With the onset of the autumn break, I have now found new luxury in passing my days via the written word. I wake up each morning, and after indulging in a meagre breakfast (I dare not eat much for fear of killing the…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Curves In The Woods

The interesting lines and curves in the woods, highlighted by the light and shadow play. Reminds me of the many twists and turns in life as well, highlighted by ups and downs. Photo: 'Curves In The Woods' - Copyright…

By fjcasella

Branch Patterns

Light and shadow play illuminate the patterns of tree branches, accented by the black and white photograph. When we remove the 'color' from our lives, you then get down to the basics of our true selves. Photo: Branch…

By fjcasella

The Ambling Autumn

It is almost Autumn. or as some would like to refer to, Fall. The air is crisper and the nights more mellowed. This is the festive season over here in India. However, I prefer to remain secluded with my books, writing…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay