Category: Privacy


I think I have possibly reached Nirvana where social media is concerned. From 5th September onward I hope to go off it completely for the next couple of months or so. This detox was long needed and required. Let not the…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Tip #68

Adjust tracker and ad blocking level per site from the Address Bar. Let's say you block all ads and trackers by default, but want to make an exception for a specific website that you trust or, maybe, the site behaves…

By Vivaldi Tips

Tip #26

Enable "Clear session browsing data on exit" in Vivaldi on Android to close all tabs and delete history, cookies and cache after use. …

By Vivaldi Tips

Pappkarton Erste Hilfe

Hallo Willkommen auf unserer Computer Hilfeseite! Hier findest du allgemeine Informationen zu deinem Gerät, technische Hilfe und eine kleine FAQ zu den Programmen. Solltest du nicht zurechtkommen, bitte zögere nicht,…

By subpapp

Tip #19

Enable "Remove cookie warnings" in Tracker and Ad Blocker settings to hide websites' cookie dialogs. Since Europe’s GDPR and a few other user privacy laws don’t allow placing Cookies in your browser without consent, on…

By Vivaldi Tips

Vous n'avez pas l'impression d'être observés ?

Protéger les données privées ne concerne pas uniquement les données elles-mêmes, mais aussi la vie privée et la liberté de chaque personne reliées à ces données. Traduction de l'article original par Vivaldi Team du…

By ra-mon

Vivaldi recomienda usar Startpage en vez de Google. ¿Consideras esto correcto?

Seguro te ha tocado navegar por internet para buscar información, hacer compras, pagar cuentas, trabajar, estudiar, interactuar con otros en las redes sociales, e incluso para disfrutar un rato ameno viendo tu serie o…

By yoditar

Beware Tech Giants Bearing Gifts

Forgive me if you feel I have become a little obsessive. Nevertheless, the more I am learning about our online lives the more I experience a sense of foreboding. I used to be a great devotee of Google: wonderful,…

By Hugh Somerville Knapman

How do I protect my privacy if personal data leak in the service?

Contributor by Andrei Krauchuk Here are a few ways to help you keep your privacy and understand who leaked or whose database was hacked or sold (yes, and it happens).…

By asahiocean

The Chaos of Alias Email

Photo: The Walter Payton Center located at Halas Hall in Lake Forest IL, is the indoor practice facility used by The Chicago Bears Football Club. Copyright 2013 Frank J Casella.…

By fjcasella

Против Google поданы новые иски о слежке за пользователями

Компания Google, принадлежащая Alphabet Inc., тайком записывала данные о местоположении пользователей даже после того, как пользователи отключили отслеживание в настройках своих смартфонов и браузеров. Об этом говорится…

By Kurai

Email Lists and Tracking

I think that if this tree could only talk, the tales it would have to tell. …. look all its structure and growth . … and the twists and turns of the branches. One purpose of trees is to give us air to breath and are…

By fjcasella