Category: Personal

About lachralle

I used to be an Opera Elektran and when Opera changed had the possibility to become a Vivaldi Soprano. That means I am a volunteer helping to test the Vivialdi browser, mostly on Mac.…

By lachralle

The Razor's Edge

On the road to somewhere from the road that leads to nowhere, You find the hidden bridge that takes you to the razor's edge. You take one step, you take another, you walk a different walk, In the field of lost time's…

By toomuchrose

The Beginning of a Fruitful Year

Precisely that is what I intend it to become. 2023 should be one of the most fruitful years of my life. With my first novel already knocking on the doors of various literary agents and hoping to find a break this year,…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Transition - Coordinates Protocol JSS under 7amdar

Man who Murdered; Performed an assisted Suicide; Mark's Property I expect careful or not?…

By ninetiesearly

Mitt år i Spotify

"Spesialisten"??? Eg kan kjenne meg att i dette. Har aldri heilt fått til det å lage "spelelister" - har ein artist gitt ut eit album så har artisent ei meining med det, og då er det enklast å høyre heile plata i…

By akkogve

SEC (4th Quarter Max)

CALENDAR 365 or 366 is Max in a year and that is 4th quarter end unless you are on a different calendar year. 5 quarters is $1.25 and it is not subject to inflation. The real reference is quartering soldiers and the…

By ninetiesearly

Trusting God isn't natural

Trusting God when it doesn't make sense January 3, 2022 Blog Diary Entry…

By Prophetic Things

La estabilidad de un fijo discontinuo

En un articulo anterior hable de la estabilidad de un trabajador fijo discontinuo y ahora quiero explicar cuales son la vicisitudes del susodicho. Ya para entrar en materia, decir que un empleado en estas condiciones…

By asiestamos

Goodbye 2022, and Looking forward to 2023

Happy New Year. Bonne Année. あけましておめでとう.…

By lonm

Autumn Colors Stormy Skies Prairie Trail

Photo: 'Autumn Colors Stormy Skies Along The Prairie Trail - Heat Effect' - Copyright 2022 Frank J Casella.…

By fjcasella

akkogve ?!?!?!?

Kvar kjem brukarnamnet "akkogve" frå? I alle år nytta eg "aak" som initialar, for å ta vare på stavemåten av namnet mitt (Aasmund Kvamme). I 1993 fekk eg jobb på Bergen ingeniørhøgskole, og vart då tildelt initialane…

By akkogve

My PGP Key

可能有人想寻找这个电子邮件地址的公钥。它已经被上传至使用[email protected] 作为电子邮箱)。 Someone might be looking for the PGP public key of this eMail address. It was published to, using [email protected] as the eMail…

By ect