Category: Literature

When Words Matter...

Picked up a copy of the book mentioned above from one of the largest bookshops in the city. Needless to say, it has been a rather life-changing experience reading through its contents. I would not like to comment on the…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

My Books Are Now Available Worldwide

This is to inform my gentle readers that both my books are now available worldwide across multiple sites. The following is a brief description of my books : …

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Beyond The Clouds

City of Dreams Softness, A sky full of clouds, Above the beach, above the sea, Whispering... The sea on the shore, Kissing the sand, Whispering... Breeze in your hair, Distant birds float on the wind, Softness... Rain…

By toomuchrose

Be professional, man!

I am watching for some time the behavior of Mr. Musk, the owner of (or Twitter). Watching can be useful especially when one wants to learn something from what one sees. And his recent involvement in the discussion…

By Cezar

Takdir Kita Sama: Menjadi Seorang Hantu

Oleh Farel Arza Nurrahman…

By frlvivaldi

How to Debate

The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.…

By Cezar

Pembalas Dendaman Pauline

27 Oktober 1944, Kamp Konsentrasi Dachau… “Selamat pagi, nona. Waktu Anda sudah tiba.” Pagi yang tidak terlalu cerah itu, seorang penjaga kamp itu menghampiri seorang perempuan dengan rambut pendek berwarna coklat muda.…

By frlvivaldi

The Inner Jew

The best political, social and spiritual work we can do is to withdraw the projection of our shadow onto others.…

By Cezar

Once Again

Once again I walk in silent rooms and gloomy galleries. Dark portraits gaze from gilded frames at tragic ghosts who walk through walls in fruitless quest to escape this place of shuttered light and time forever…

By toomuchrose

Ein Abkürzungsverzeichnis und mehr

Dies soll denen helfen mehr zu verstehen, die durch Abkürzungen ansonsten von der Diskussion ausgeschlossen werden. Aber auch denen, die diese Abkürzungen meist unbedacht verwenden, soll es helfen.…

By anDromedar

Welcome Autumn !

Autumn waltzes in languidly in tropical countries. We often do not see her colors as those residing in colder climes do. We feel her mellow footsteps in the air with the gradual departure of the subcontinental monsoon…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

The letter "S" used to be typeset like the letter "f"

I stumbled upon this digitized version of Adam Smith's seminal book, The Wealth of Nations…, and observed that the letter "s" was written similar to the letter "f", with only the bar removed:

By masterboy