Category: Gaming

Playing with Blocks

Managing my time has historically been tough for me. I'm used to living by other people's schedules, and both easily distracted and overambitious. What seems to be a simple matter of time blocking to other people…

By fishgloom


こんにちは、年末はずっと反物質を作り続けています。 あなたは作ってますか?…

By aoisensi

Donovan Patton Sends Chaos

Ray Donovan is a series that has a burned on a level that requires she honor every sex thing. Else it is honor chiefdom. Getting jealous over a blond reporter who is cheating in general with Ray Donovan caused…

By pissedoffdad

OMORIのMod "REVERIE" の日本語版2.5をリリースしました!!

この記事にはゲーム「OMORI」のネタバレが多少含まれます 追記: 2.5日本語版が出たぞ!!…

By aoisensi

Portal with RTX のレビューに対してのお気持ち

tl;dr 3行のまとめ(?)は一番下にあります。 Portal with RTX がSteamでリリースされました。…

By aoisensi

Lancescour 11: Winter Begins and Mosus is Sad

1st of Opal, 125. I am Ilral Amusewires of the Dwarf Fortress Lancescour. Nineteen dwarves now inhabit our little outpost. That’s seven founding dwarves plus the addition of two groups of migrants. Winter has arrived.…

By Jack Barlow

Mes jeux préférés

je joue beaucoup au jeu vidéo je un gamers et je vais vous montre des images de mes jeux préfères

By gantoine

Lancescour 10: Medical Chief Muthkat Trotvaults

1st of Moonstone, 125. I am Ilral Amusewires, one of seven founding dwarves of the dwarf fortress Lancescour. We learn as we go, but after eight months, we seem to be doing OK. The liaison from Severemirror, Dastot…

By Jack Barlow

Lancescour 9: Five More Migrants Arrive.

1st of Timber, 125. I am carpenter Ilral Amusewires, one of the seven founding dwarves of Lancescour and an accidental chronicler. Last month, merchants arrived at our little fortress with an outpost liaison dwarf from…

By Jack Barlow

Lancescour 8: Severemirrors Caravan

1st of Sandstone, 125. I am Ilral Amusewires, carpenter and one of the founding dwarves of the dwarf fortress Lancescour in the Tower of Escorts mountains. With a wagon of supplies, seven musicians arrived far south of…

By Jack Barlow…

By mendot250

Lancescour 7: Need for Trade and Worship

1st of Limestone, 125. I am Ilral Amusewires, one of the seven founding dwarves of Lancescour, our modest fortress in the Tower of Escorts mountains. We were joined by seven migrants on the 27th of Hematite. We're…

By Jack Barlow