Category: Productivity

MIT, ¿Desafío y meta a corto plazo?.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology…

By loadmasther


普段の仕事用にバイブルサイズのシステム手帳を使っています。 何本かのペンと定規くらいを一緒に持ち運びたい欲があり、既製品も色々試しているのですが、最近自作したものが結構使いやすく決定版となりつつあるのでここで紹介します。…

By yukikoya

The Chaos of Alias Email

Photo: The Walter Payton Center located at Halas Hall in Lake Forest IL, is the indoor practice facility used by The Chicago Bears Football Club. Copyright 2013 Frank J Casella.…

By fjcasella

How NOT to Start the Day

Needless to say I immediately did a fresh backup of all my files even though it is connected to a NAS. This is an all-in-one computer that I've had for quite a while and with Windows 11 just around the corner I'll be…

By robrose


Photo: Playgrounds - Copyright 2011 Frank J Casella.…

By fjcasella


またも勝ちました。 ちょっとだけですけど、46pipsですね。毎日最低40pipsは勝ちます。…

By sneko


始めたばかりなので、とりあえず画像だけ貼っときますw ビットコインを当てた話…

By sneko

Making Good Decisions

Photo: Yesterday's Sky - The winter sky presents a colorful pallet and silhouette for trees in Midwest America- Copyright 2017 Frank J Casella.…

By fjcasella

It is my Vivaldi anniversary, yay!

Four things I've learned at Vivaldi in the last year: It is my Vivaldi anniversary, yay! I can't believe I'm celebrating my first year in this company and I'm so happy that I'm at the right place. I'm having so much…

By arigreve


Tu Planeación Estratégica en SST define cada una de las actividades en la protección, cuidado y auto cuidado de tus trabajadores y de las instalaciones. Estándares Mínimos conforme al número de trabajadores y el nivel…

By 4puntocero

I hate journaling.

The title says it all, doesn't it? I can't stand this shit. It feels moronic, self-gratifying, and an utter waste of time. I've never been able to hold to it with any consistency, because I've never seen a point. Until…

By haleybcu

The Messages In Our Lives

Photo: The Messages In Our Lives - Copyright 2017 Frank J Casella…

By fjcasella