Category: Gaming

Lancescour 1: Embark!

15th of Granite, 125. After months of travel, our small caravan of seven dwarf musicians have found a place to call home. We arrived on the coast of southern land having left our civilization The Maroon Helms far to the…

By Jack Barlow

Minecraft Java&Bedrock Editionについて思うこと

GIGAZINE記事より GIGAZINEの記事によると、Java&Bedrock…

By yukikoya

amiibo ミェンミェンが届きました

以前の記事でミェンミェン・クッパと一緒にスマブラのカメラで遊んでみましたが、しばらく予約していたミェンミェンのamiiboが先日の販売開始と同時に届きました!予約段階では顔つきの感じが微妙な気がしていて心配していましたが、現物は全然問題なくイメージ通りの完成度で満足しています。 まだ開封していません。…

By yukikoya



By yukikoya

Washington Has Fallen Minecraft Easter Update

Easter Public Beta Release It's been a while since I have posted, so here is as uodate on the Minecraft Bedrock edition of Washington Has Fallen Adventure.…

By skythrusters


写真を撮る時には・自分が近づく/遠ざかる・ズームイン/アウトする(広角と望遠を切り替える)のどちらかで被写体との距離感が変わってきます。 同じ被写体を撮る場合、それぞれ変えるとどんな写り方になるのでしょうか。スマブラのカメラ機能で実験してみました。…

By yukikoya

Pikmin Bloom で大きなスイカをゲット

何日か前、大きなキノコ討伐に岩ピクミンたちをおつかいに出していたら巨大なスイカを持って帰ってきていました。 初めて見たので記念に。…

By yukikoya

Playing on Xbox One S

It supports all the bells and whistles, like 4k and HDR. Games are basically from PC, so if you don’t want to bother installing drivers and other stuff on PC, it’s the way to go. I like the controller very much, but the…

By ipristy

Welcome to my tech blog!

Welcome to my blog! My name is Carl Johnson. I am a computer technician, DJ, and avid gamer. This blog will consist of many different tweak guides, setup guides and other guides for Windows, Linux, MacOS, and PC Games.…

By carljohnson


Satta Matka game is a sort of betting famous in India. Examination shows that "Satta Matka" is quite possibly the most looked through term in India. One can rake in boatloads of cash in Satta Matka dependent on the…

By ajaydada

The impact of music

Usually when it comes to films and video games, the music is not the main focus of the experience, but it is still a very important part of it; take the music out and that experience is greatly diminished. This was…

By Thomas Pike

Panorámica de San Fierro - GTA San Andreas

En la madrugada Centro de la ciudad…

By Fernando C.