Category: Food

ファビオ 飯 【無茶振り】賄いラーメン|イタリア人シェフ達に日本魂のラーメンを作った結果2023/11/13 【今回の旅】 9月中旬〜10月中旬までイタリアに1ヶ月間滞在しました。プーリアから始まり、ヴェローナ、ボルツァーノ、トリノ、アルバを周り動画を撮りました。 今年目標として掲げていた星付きレストランでの研修風景や長年憧れ続けたレストランでの食レポ動画など去年…

By duna0323

なぐもりずの音楽室 【1時間】見習い魔女たちが住む街の曲『Strahlburg』【作業用BGM】2023/11/12 なぐもりずの音楽室 【1時間作業用】長雨の街の曲『雨音のエア』【ピアノとチェロの二重奏】…

By duna0323

What you eat could be key to improving your mental health, scientists say – CBC News [2023-09-23]

Maintaining good mental health can sometimes feel challenging, but it turns out one piece of the puzzle is deceptively simple — what’s on your plate. “Nutrition and mental health is this connection that people have…

By canadianguy

Still celebrating Lesbian Laser Fest!!!! :P (It's Lesbian Laser Fest until the morning of 2nd November)

I guess this post is mostly like an extended introduction to me and my values, and the things I care about, and what's going on with me at the moment. But there's more about Lesbian Laser Fest towards the end of the…

By victoriareign

inch resting 📏💤

i am now a proud blogger 🎉 government house somewhere in north carolina i dont remember…

By macimas

5 Ways To Use The Leftover Pulp After Juicing

If you’re pressed for time or simply want a hassle-free method to put your leftover juicing pulp to use, go with a smoothie. All you need to do is drop the pulp into a blender with a little ice, fruits and the liquid of…

By roaddawg66

The Art of Blending - How to Combine Fruits and Vegetables for the Perfect Juice

Are you looking to boost your health and energy levels? If so, you may want to explore the art of blending fruits and vegetables to create the perfect juice. Juicing has become increasingly popular in recent years, as…

By roaddawg66

Manhãs do sul do mundo

"Um sabiá no seu galho, uma gota de orvalho, um gritar de tarrã, que me importa o sereno se meu mundo é pequeno, tenho a terna manhã..." "... tenho um raio de sol, tenho um riso guri, não me falta mais nada nesta calma…

By nyl

Oggi è stata una grande giornata, Mi sono fatto la Ragazza.

Prima ancora di prefiggersi un obiettivo, ed è sempre meglio prefiggersi prima un obiettivo, bisogna sapere e punto uno il potenziale trend (di crescita), e se si vuole estendere il proprio Pubblico, punto due i fattori…

By montry12


BIOCHEMICAL EFFECTS OF VITAMIN B6 DEFICIENCY. (1954). Nutrition Reviews, 12(6), 186–187.…

By mitnak

Czerona kapusta ze śliwkami

4-5 wędzonych śliwek (kwaśne) pociąć na paseczki (prosty sposób na wyszukanie resztek pestek), zalać 100cm³ wody i zagotować.Wodę posolić, wrzucić do niej poszatkowaną ¼ główki czerwonej kapusty, pieprz, mielony kminek,…

By viola

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