Category: Food

The World's Best Bread

In this case, a picture says a lot less than a thousand words, but in my humble opinion the bread baked by P. Natunen (aka Natusen leipomo) in Imatra's Linnansuo/Linnankoski neighborhood is the tastiest I've ever eaten…

By avvakum

Happy Dragon Boat Festival

It is on the 5th Day of the 5th Lunar Month in Chinese calendar.Well, mainly, I want to share this poem, the reflection on the journey of life through the dumpling we ate during the festival.…

By auntygoyio

Spaghetti Bolognese

Bolognese špagety sú špagety s paradajkovou omáčkou a mletým mäsom. Sú veľmi obľúbené aj mimo Talianska napr. v severnej, západnej a strednej časti Európy, Severnej Amerike, Brazílii, Austrálii a na Novom Zélande.…

By fifoobelix


コメダ珈琲のシロノワールはおいしい 熱々のデニッシュ生地に冷たい甘さ控えめのアイスクリーム。その上に好みでメイプルシロップで甘さ調整。デニッシュ生地に直接メイプルシロップをかけるとさらに美味しさが増す。僕にとっては最高の一品。…

By earlgreyryokucha


Zutaten: 1 Bund oder Topf Basilikum120 ml gutes Olivenöl1 Knoblauchzehe60 g Parmesan30 g geröstete Pinienkerne…

By behrev

Spaghetti mit Zitronengeschmack und Rosenkohlblättern serviert mit Lachs.

Zutaten für 4 Personen 400 g Rosenkohl (100 g pro Person)400 g Spaghetti (100 g pro Person)Salz 2  Schalotten 3 EL Olivenöl 150 g Mascarpone 150 ml Milch oder Mandelmilchabgeriebene Schale und Saft von einer Bio…

By behrev

Blätterteig-Pfännchen mit Jakobsmuscheln

Zutaten für 4 Personen 2  Schalotten 2 TL Butter 100 ml Wermut z.B. Cinzano Rosso300 g Schmand oder Crème fraîche Salz Pfeffer Muskat…

By behrev

Time traveler from 2222

I'm Blaze Pristy a time traveler from 2.2.2222 and i have arrived at 2:22 on 2.2.2020 in the afternoon. I came for a book about alchemy, how to make gold from liquid mercury by radiation. We have flying cars there and…

By ipristy

Dunkle Sauce nur aus Gemüse

By behrev


Portionen: 4Zubereitungszeit: 30 MinutenKochzeit: Zutaten…

By behrev