Praying The Lord’s Prayer Daily

This blog is dedicated to the practice of praying the Lord’s Prayer. Here I will share the things I learn and hear from my Lord Jesus Christ as I have sought Him with the words He gave us.

Praying the Lord’s Prayer daily is a common Christian practice. It is a unifying practice. It unites Christ’s followers to their Lord. As we pray the words He gave us to pray we have a sense of hearing His voice pray along with us by His Spirit. It resonates deep within us and draws us closer to Him. It unites Christ’s followers to each other as we share in His Spirit. His Spirit refines us more and more into His Likeness.

It’s a first person plural prayer. Our Father, Give us this day, Forgive us as we forgive, those who sin against us, Lead us not, Deliver us. This is not my prayer, it is Our prayer, the one we pray together with Our Lord.

Psa 86:11

Teach me your way, O LORD,
that I may walk in your truth;
unite my heart to fear your name.

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