Christmas is Coming

But first Thanksgiving!

A time to give thanks for everything God has done for us.  I know.  According to the TV shows it is a time to give thanks for what others have done for us.  Everyone except the creator of all things.

Sure is is great to be grateful to those we have in our life and tell them often.  But to ignore God and what He has done for us and our nation is just wrong.  He gave of Himself so that we might be able to live with Him for eternity if we chose to do so.  Not choosing Him is stupid to me.

So, first off I am thankful to God for making a way for my sinful self to be forgiven.  I will never be able to repay what He has done for me.

“Thank you” to my wife for putting up with me since 1980.  You are and always will be the love of my life. To my kids for growing up to be better than me, which is just what every parent really wants; thanks for making me proud. To the spouses of my kids, thank you for choosing my kids to make a life with and sharing your family.  To my grandkids (all of them) thanks for the smiles and playing with me.

I am very thankful to the military personnel who have given of themselves to protect us and our freedom.

I have a good job and yes I am thankful for it.

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