
There was a question that came to mind when starting this blog.  Why write a blog in the first place?  The reason my surprise you or then again maybe not.  It would be wrong for me to make assumptions about what may surprise a person reading this blog but I digress here.

Getting back on track here.  The reason why I write a blog is simple.  That is to let a part of who I am be free of the restrictions that keep it caged up in the rest of my life.  To understand that I will give you an example from my life.

I am driving a car and I see a road that I haven’t been on before.  There is a part of me that wants to turn down that road and see where it goes.  To see what I come across driving down that road.  In other words to drive down that road because its there.  But often I do not drive down that road.

For the simple reason is that often there has to be a better reason to do it.  Otherwise it is a waste of time and petrol to go somewhere that doesn’t fit into the reasons at the moment.  I need to get home or some other place and taking that road will make the journey longer.  The money I spend on petrol to go down that road could be better spent on other things.  So I don’t go down that road.  As a consequence there is part of me that is sad and unhappy.

The same thing applies to my writing.  I don’t write for any specific reason but to explore what comes to mind.  To see where writing about an idea takes me in my thoughts.  Whatever comes from it is a bonus or if nothing comes from it then that is fine.  At least I explored that idea through writing in my blog and I am happy with just that.

For that reason you might find my writing chaotic.  I start with an idea and by the time I finished the post I am off on some other idea.  I don’t put my post into categories or use tags in my posts.  To me categories and tags restrict the writing by saying that the post has to be about whatever the category or tag used in the post.  So i don’t use them so I can let that part of myself that is willing to express itself through writing can do so without those restrictions.

Also you might the part of me that writes a bit rude.  It doesn’t like comments on its writing  and often will disable them or ignore/delete them.  So don’t personally if you leave a comment or cannot find a way to leave a comment on the writing.  Maybe with time, that part of me will feel more comfortable and at ease with reading what people have to say about what it writes.

One last thing, don’t be surprised if a post just ends all of the sudden with no conclusion or summary.  Sometimes the road dead ends and cannot go any farther.   The same with that part of me that writes.  Finds that there is nothing more to say so just stops writing like right now 😛