WYSIWYG or What You See Is What You Get is a famous acronym used quite frequently in the Internet parlance. However, though it may be true in case of most things including the world wide web and human beings in general, it is definitely not true as far as writers/poets/artists are concerned. We are definitely not WYSIWYG. There are layer and layers that tend to cover us. We are not easily decipherable. We hide and duck behind covers in order to keep our thoughts safe from people. We have stories and sometimes libraries of stories in our heads, while we juggle reality with some difficulty. Living a dual life can be arduous to say the least. However, we are also great adapters. We are like chameleons. We adapt to our surroundings with ease while keeping those characters in our minds safe and sound. Cushioned in secrecy from the outside world.

Just a little note about random thoughts that crop up during the course of the day. Nothing of importance in particular. By the way, I’ve started writing posts under my real name. It may seem pretty long and rather exotic to the uninformed. πŸ™‚

Au Revoir ! Till I scribble again.

person using black typewriter

3 replies on “WYSIWYG”

  1. Thank you for this, Lopamudra, it is a very good piece of writing. You are correct, of course. We writers must keep the imagination working. Not everyone believes in imagination these days. Nice work.

  2. Very beautiful text.
    May I quote it in our ‘Jabber/XMPP’ poetry/literature space?
    With/without your pseudonym?Β 

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