When you are free, you will have true joy and happiness. You do not require thoughts, words or actions. True emotions are in being.

Thursday, 6 May 2021, 07:08 GMT+10 Devi’s Murali

SEEKER: Om Maha Shakti Namaste

GODDESS: Om Shanti my sweetest one Namaste
Remember that true joy and happiness do not require any stimulants.
Only material joy and happiness require material matters, which are stimulants. These stimulants create material joy and happiness so that everyone is trapped.
Those who seek joy and happiness are unaware that these are material joy and happiness. They are unaware that it is possible to have true joy and happiness.
So they seek material stimulants in order to have material joy and happiness. Then they become trapped.
Material joy and happiness is temporary. One will constantly need to seek stimulants in order to have material joy and happiness.
True joy and happiness does not require anything. One can have true joy and happiness by being.
It is a natural trait to have true joy and happiness. When one is free, one will have true joy and happiness.
True joy and happiness are beyond the material. There is nothing material in them.
One does not require thoughts or words or actions. The true emotions are in being. They are not material emotions.
One must learn to cultivate true joy and happiness. One must learn to allow them to grow.
True joy and happiness must be allowed to exist. One must break free from material joy and happiness.
Om Shanti my dearest one Namaste

SEEKER: Om Maha Shakti Namaste 🕉🙏

Thursday, 6 May 2021, 07:25 GMT+10 Baba’s Murali

SEEKER: Om Shanti Baba

BABA: Om Shanti my sweet child
The material mind has conditioned everyone to seek material joy and happiness.
Everyone requires stimulants in order to have these. Those who seek joy and happiness are trapped because they require stimulants.
But this is material joy and happiness. It is not true joy and happiness.
True joy and happiness do not require anything. One must know the difference.
Material joy and happiness are temporary. They are empty.
A child who receives a present will have material joy and happiness. This is a conditioning.
The child will then seek joy and happiness through material objects. As the child grows, more material matters are required in order to have joy and happiness.
But if the child is left alone, the child can have joy and happiness without anything. This is because true joy and happiness are natural.
A person who is freed from a prison or trap feels true joy and happiness at being free. The person does not require anything else.
Most people require material stimulants in order to have some joy and happiness because they are unaware of true joy and happiness. They are unaware that everyone can have true joy and happiness without anything.
True joy and happiness exist naturally. It is a natural trait to have these.
One can have true joy and happiness by being. As one breathes, one can experience true joy and happiness with every breath.
As one is aware of every part of the material form, one experiences true joy and happiness. One feels joy and happiness as one moves.
One can experience true joy and happiness as one views everything that the Supreme One has created. One can experience true joy and happiness in everything around.
The sound of the birds and bees, the sound of the rain, the sound of silence, can strengthen true joy and happiness. The grass, the leaves, the warmth of the sun, the breeze, the moonlight, everything is a gift to give one true joy and happiness.
By being, one becomes aware of everything that one is given. By being one is connected with the self, the soul and the Creator.
This is why one has true joy and happiness.
Om Shanti my sweet child

SEEKER: Om Shanti Baba 🕉🙏


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