All Of Us Are Different, Yet Together

Photo: ‘Morning Sunlight Architecture City Of Chicago‘ – Copyright 2017 Frank J Casella. The London Guarantee and Accident Building, and Trump Tower Chicago.

I’m always intrigued with the juxtaposition of new and old in cityscapes.

What struck me about this view of Chicago architecture was the Illumination from the morning sunlight. Then what came into view is how these structures are from decades apart of each other.

Though each of these are different, they blend together with such beauty, especially when enveloped by the sun and shadows.

Much as in life, and in living our faith, all of us are different, yet together we can do great things that create beauty in this world… such as these buildings… especially when enveloped in faith in this love of the Lord Jesus.

In a similar way, as beauty from the morning light brings promise to prepare for the coming of the new day ahead, so too must we live our faith looking for signs in preparation for the beauty of the coming of the Lord.